Design your own message

There's power in something a little more personal. To help encourage more nominations, you can now tailor the message for your charity by using our card generator tool. Choose one of our designs, add your message and start sharing. When a person clicks on your card, it will auto populate their form - all of which makes nominating your charity that much easier.

We have made a short video to walk you through the steps to generate your own promotional card, click here to watch.

Chick with an egg hat

Start sharing today


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Choose a design

Select one of these pictures to make your card:

Animated Designs

Select one of these animated gifs to make your card and attract more attention to your charity. Please note: these may take a few more seconds to load.

Standard Designs

Static images for those who want to generate a quick card.

Choose a message

Finally, upload your logo

Upload the charity logo to be used on the card.

For best results: Your image should be full colour or contrast well against a white background and should not contains large amount of space around the logo.

Your card image

Creating your card

Creating your card

Need help?

We have prepared a short video which will walk you through the steps to create your own promotional card.

Once you have finished watching, click here to start.